[TYPO3-UG US] [TYPO3] select tt_address fields for template; finally figured it out!

Finees Mendez fineesmendez at yahoo.com
Sat May 24 18:27:03 CEST 2008

I need to have my clients control their own company info (i.e. address, email, phone, etc.). So why not tt_address. It is simple to use, and you can even access the records from the "Web>>Page" module. The following TS reads from the tt_address table where the record is stored. Here I have used a mix of div's & tables to manipulate the output. Here is a working sample of the TS: http://www.enlacesnupciales.com ; Please note, by the time of this posting, the site is yet to be completed. I hope this can helps some of you. Keep TS-ing!

Improvements I still need to make: create an image for the company name to match the company's logo fonts, etc.

# Company Address Info Output
page.1 {
subparts.CONTACTS {
  table = tt_address
  select.pidInList = 33     ###### Where the tt_address record is stored 
  select.where = uid = 4     ###### Just in case there is more than one record, select the one you want
  select.max = 1
  renderObj = COA
  wrap = |
  renderObj.10 = COA
  renderObj.10.wrap = <div id="header-left"> <div id="company-logo"> | </div> </div>
  renderObj.10.1 = CTABLE
  renderObj.10.1 {
    tableParams = class="logo-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
    offset = 0,0
    lm.1 = IMAGE
    lm.1.wrap = <h1> | </h1>     ###### In case images are turn off, use this for styling
    lm.1.border = 0
    lm.1.altText.field = company
    lm.1.titleText.field = company
    lm.1.longdescURL.field = description
    lm.1.file.import = uploads/pics/     ###### Where the uploaded images are stored
    lm.1.file.import.field = image
    lm.1.file.width = 89
    lm.1.file.height = 67
    lm.1.stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = www
    lm.1.stdWrap.typolink.title.field = company
    lm.1.if.isTrue.field = image
    lm.TDParams = class="logo-image"
    rm.1 = TEXT
    rm.1.innerWrap = <h1> | </h1>
    rm.1.field = company
    rm.1.typolink.parameter.field = www
    rm.1.typolink.title.field = company
    rm.1.if.isTrue.field = company
    rm.TDParams = class="logo-text"
  renderObj.20 = COA
  renderObj.20.wrap = <div id="header-right"> <div id="cc-box"> <div id="company-contacts"> | </div> </div> </div>
  renderObj.20.1 = CTABLE
  renderObj.20.1 {
    tableParams = width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
    offset = 0,0
    # Left table cell  
    lm.1 = TEXT
    lm.1.value = Address
    lm.TDParams = width="34%" class="cc-header small bold uppercase address"
    # Center table cell  
    c.1 = TEXT
    c.1.value = Contacts
    c.TDParams = width="32%" class="cc-header small bold uppercase contacts"
    # Right table cell  
    rm.1 = TEXT
    rm.1.value = Online
    rm.TDParams = width="34%" class="cc-header small bold uppercase online"
  renderObj.20.2 = CTABLE
  renderObj.20.2 {
    tableParams = width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
    offset = 0,0
    # left table cell  
    lm.1 = COA
    lm.1.wrap = <p> | </p>
    lm.1.1 = TEXT
    lm.1.1.wrap = | <br />
    lm.1.1.field = address
    lm.1.1.if.isTrue.field = address
    lm.1.2 = TEXT
    lm.1.2.wrap = | ,&nbsp;
    lm.1.2.field = building
    lm.1.2.if.isTrue.field = building
    lm.1.3 = TEXT
    lm.1.3.wrap = Suite:&nbsp;| <br />
    lm.1.3.field = room
    lm.1.3.if.isTrue.field = room
    lm.1.4 = TEXT
    lm.1.4.wrap = | ,&nbsp;
    lm.1.4.field = city
    lm.1.4.if.isTrue.field = city
    lm.1.5 = TEXT
    lm.1.5.wrap = | <br />
    lm.1.5.field = region
    lm.1.5.if.isTrue.field = region
    lm.1.6 = TEXT
    lm.1.6.wrap = | &nbsp;
    lm.1.6.field = zip
    lm.1.6.if.isTrue.field = zip
    lm.1.7 = TEXT
    lm.1.7.wrap = |
    lm.1.7.field = country
    lm.1.7.if.isTrue.field = country
    lm.TDParams = width="34%" valign="top" class="cc-content small"
    # center table cell
    c.1 = COA
    c.1.wrap = <p> | </p>
    c.1.1 = TEXT
    c.1.1.wrap = | <span class="bold"> Office</span> <br />
    c.1.1.field = phone
    c.1.1.if.isTrue.field = phone
    c.1.2 = TEXT
    c.1.2.wrap = | <span class="bold"> Fax</span> <br />
    c.1.2.field = fax
    c.1.2.if.isTrue.field = fax
    c.1.3 = TEXT
    c.1.3.wrap = | <span class="bold"> Mobile</span>
    c.1.3.field = mobile
    c.1.3.if.isTrue.field = mobile
    c.TDParams = width="32%" valign="top" class="cc-content small"
    # right table cell
    rm.1 = COA
    rm.1.wrap = <p> | </p>
    rm.1.1 = TEXT
    rm.1.1.wrap = | <br />
    rm.1.1.field = email
    rm.1.1.typolink.parameter.field = email
    rm.1.1.typolink.title = Send Us an Email Now!
    rm.1.1.if.isTrue.field = email
    rm.1.2 = TEXT
    rm.1.2.field = www
    rm.1.2.typolink.parameter.field = www
    rm.1.2.typolink.title = Make this site your Home page
    rm.1.2.if.isTrue.field = www
    rm.TDParams = width="34%" valign="top" class="cc-content small"


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