[TYPO3-UG US] TYPO3 of the Americas

Michael Cannon michael-typo3 at cannonbose.com
Sat Oct 7 13:08:49 CEST 2006



I just wanted to let you know that we're building up the `TYPO3 of  
the Americas` marketing website based upon the WEC starter package.

Since the effort will be joint among Canadian, US, and Latin American  
agencies we'll be sharing leads to the TYPO3 US mailing list directly  
and having agencies sponsor a part or two or announce their products  
and services on the site. This way we keep the supplier and sponsor  
branding to a minimum, but still give folks a chance to shine.

Reuven's team will be dropping in the new template next week while I  
take content from the old typo3.us efforts, typo3.com, typo3.org, and  
other TYPO3 resources.

The overriding `TYPO3 of the Americas` goal is to increase TYPO3's  
market penetration in the Americas. We'll do through through  
community building and sponsorships.

For suppliers we'll build up a community online and offline through  
forums, wikis, training, conferences, etc. Our supplier orientated  
goal is to at least monthly discussions to share tips, tricks on  
TYPO3, business, and the marketplace.

For consumers we'll build up a central location for how TYPO3 will  
benefit them and their customers with case studies and portfolio  
showcasing. Our consumer orientated end goal is a send a request for  
more information call-to-action.

Thank you for allowing me to use the WEC Starter Package.

In Christ,


For those that don't know about WEC Starter Package, look at the  


Michael Cannon
President of Cannonbose, LLC
Tel    : +1 (603) 294-4418         Fax : +1 (802) 609-2776

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