[TYPO3-UG US] Manipulating Columns / Geo IP redirect

K from DC kfromdc at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 23:51:59 CET 2006

Hello all,

Here's what I have:
An international web page with 3 columns:
-- left column - content from North America
-- middle column - content from South America
-- right column - content from Europe

What I'm trying to achieve:
change the order of the columns, based on Geo IP, i.e. visitors from Europe
will see the European content in the leftmost column.

The dmc_geoip extension works fine, but so far I'm only able to redirect
users to a specific page, based on where they are coming from.

I tried to go with creating 3 additional pages for the users from the three
continents which will get the content from teh original International page.
the problem is that i can only insert records, meaning that the editors will
have to deal with versioning and change the records in the original page as
otherwise the newly created records won't show up on the other pages, unless
they are inserted. I thought about inserting columns from that original page
into the other pages, but I have no idea if it's even possible (in
tt_content a specific column can be identified by pid && colPos, I know this
much.) Is there a possible solution to this?

Ideally, of course, would be to have only one page, with the TypoScript
template setup checking "modules.tx_dmc_geoip.countryOfResidence = US" for
example, to set

temp.mainTemplate {
     subparts.LEFT_COLUMN_ON_PAGE < styles.content.getRight
// or
    marks.LEFT_COLUMN_ON_PAGE.select.where = colPos = 3
, provided that the US content is placed in the RIGHT column in TYPO3.

Any helpful thought will be appreciated!


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