[TYPO3-UG US] Solution for mailinglist archive

Alex Heizer alex at tekdevelopment.com
Fri Mar 24 21:55:14 CET 2006


This was posted this to the typo3-org mailing list, but wanted to make 
sure everyone here's able to check it out.


Michelle and I have been looking for a solution to the mailinglist 
archive/forum being unavailable that we can offer back to the community. 
This week we found a forum that automatically pulls from a newsgroup, 
and individual posts can be added to a knowledge base. As a test, I've 
set up a forum and imported the TemplaVoila mailing list, plus created a 
KB article from one of the posts. It supports keyword searching for the 
forum and KB simultaneously, advanced searches, plus multiple levels of 
categories and subcategories for both the forum and KB so we can have a 
forum for each mailing list.

Please take your time to check it out and let me know what your thoughts 
are. The URL is: http://support.typo3.us:8080/jive/

I've created an admin user for anyone to log in and check out the 
system. The username and password are: typo3/typo3

We'll host this as a gift for the T3 community, so any suggestions on 
making this better for all will be greatly appreciated. It's very 
stylable, so we'll make it fit in very nicely with the new CI!

Its features include: automatic pull from newsgroup, automatic post to 
newsgroup from logged in users (as long as the user is signed up to post 
on the mailing list), and an RSS feed for each forum, post and KB 
article, ability to watch posts and threads, and for users to suggest 
posts to be turned into KB articles. Lots of big companies are using 
this, including:
Apple: http://discussions.apple.com/index.jspa
Amazon: http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/index.jspa
BBC: http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/
Oracle: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/
HP: http://devresource.hp.com/forums/index.jspa
IBM: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/community/

It's normally a $18,950 (USD) application, but Jive Software is donating 
it to us because T3's an open source project, and Jive is a big 
supporter of open source (and has donated a lot of time to open source 

Alex Heizer

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