[TYPO3-UG US] Server Filling Up With Magic Files?

Dimitri Tarassenko mitka at mitka.us
Tue Jul 11 22:38:42 CEST 2006


These are imagemagick's temp files. Their location is controllend by
TMPDIR environment variable and by default it should be /tmp where
they would be cleaned out by tmpwatch from time to time.

The fact that all these files are about the same size probably means
that there is a single file somewhere that kills imagemagick while
trying to build a thumbnail for example or scale down. You can try
tracking it down by doing

file magicXXXX

in shell (this will tell you the file format) then trying to look at
the file in a file viewer that can handle this file type. Most likely
it's some kind of file IM needs to call a delegate for (like PDF for

If possible, I would switch to graphicsmagick that has a lot less
problems like this.

Dimitri Tarassenko

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