[TYPO3-UG US] typo3 v4

Sander Vogels sander at netcreators.nl
Tue Apr 11 09:10:17 CEST 2006

 From the press-release:

TYPO3's branding efforts goes beyond a new logo as it can be found in 
the software itself. Version 4.0 offers a complete redesign of the 
backend interface. Not only is TYPO3 sporting a new modern look for its 
administrative functions, a new '"look and feel" is also offered for 
TYPO3's content editors, making it a corporate identity to grab hold of.

With version 3.8 having eliminated numerous minor errors as well as 
having optimized the internal operation of TYPO3 down to the last 
detail, version 4.0 had a clear path to focus on matters of 
applicability and function. Besides the compatibility with PHP5 and 
expansions regarding data integrity, fundamentally new functions were 
integrated into TYPO3.

With version 4.0, the WYSIWYG Editor, HTMLArea, comes pre-installed as 
the standard editor in the TYPO3 backend. Along with its impressive list 
of features, this extension makes intuitive entry of content possible 
across different browsers and operating systems. With version 4.0, 
useful features like 'drag and drop' functionality  within the page-tree 
and filelist view as well as 100% true-colour support for all image 
processes has been built into the standard product. Additionally, a 
completely integrated database abstraction layer (DBAL) supports the 
connection to DBMS systems which is often demanded by larger 
installations. This enables database systems such as Oracle and Postgres 
to be used by TYPO3 for data storage.

In addition, the new combination of the 'versioning’, ‘workspaces’ and 
‘workflow’ extensions constitute a base for targeted administration and 
publication of various content, versions and entire TYPO3 page 
structures, making it easier to control large amounts of content within 
an organization. With the revolutionary 'workspaces' extension, editors 
can now select  a variety of objects (pages, content, even entire 
websites) all at once and edit the bundle without changing any live 

TemplaVoilà, an alternate XML-based templating engine, celebrates its 
first major release. It is now seamlessly integrated with the TYPO3 
framework and has improvements in localization and translation handling.

In addition to the new backend features, the frontend has also received 
a facelift. Thanks to several modifications to the CSS Styled Content 
extension, TYPO3 is now in the position to produce standards compliant 
XHTML, laying the foundation for accessible (WAI compatible) websites. 
The Indexed Search extension has been thoroughly revised as well and has 
increased in both speed and function, making mass indexing of several 
TYPO3 sites and its content possible. Enhancements include crawler 
improvements, template support and the indexing of Oasis OpenDocument files.

Already updating? ;-)


Dimitri Tarassenko wrote:
> Reuven,
> On 4/10/06, Reuven Cohen, Enomaly <ruv at enomaly.com> wrote:
>> So I've finished upgrading 10 TYPO3 site to V4, and only had one problem.
>> Was an issue with a corrupted DB table.  So all in all. I'd say this is a
>> worthwhile upgrade!
> Would you elaborate on that, please? :)) I am looking at our
> installations (and most importantly 3 projects in the pipeline) and
> yet I don't see a reason to go for 4.0. Maybe something I missed?
> We already have rteHTMLarea and we have our own product instead of
> DirectMail. Any other reasons out there? It would mean a lot to hear
> something from somebody who actually has to take care of more than a
> dozen sites.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Dimitri Tarassenko

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