[TYPO3-UG US] This is just about perfect...

Matthew Manderson matthew at manderson.co.uk
Thu Nov 3 08:07:12 CET 2005

> I never studied psychology but I really think that something simple as a
> fake TYPO3 box on the main page could help give the right "first
> impression".
Hooray the future success of TYPO3 lies in a bigger box!

For my 2c, no let me up the ante, for my $14.99c I recall when I first heard
about TYPO3 in a UK web magazine reviewing CMS's TYPO3 was hailed as the
CMS you could do anything with but was very hard to learn.

I thought wow.  At last a CMS without limits? Exactly what I needed to

I bet if you ask all newbies who try TYPO3 it is for similar reasons, hacked
off with inferior software and only have a low budget.

When I first arrived it was to typo3.com

The site looked about the same as it does now, and I liked it. It was non
technical and looked different to the other CMS sites. Something intriguing
lay under this TYPO3 hood.

I think the balance of the current TYPO3 homepage is excellent. 

That said. The demo page and the download page could do with a more
'product' feel about them. When you get the try it out stage you want to
feel you are downloading something substantial.

Of course the fact you have to download 2 files is a bit odd. Why not ship
TYPO3_src with dummy by default. 

I notice that the other big CMS sites often have a corporate feel to them
and do not include boxed products on the home page. That is like SHELL
having an barrel of oil on the homepage, hardly appropriate to sustain the

If I were asked to contribute ideas for improving typo3.com I would be
looking to reduce not increase. Focussing on a tight high class design that
speaks the truth about the product and not try to box it up. I don't think
TYPO3 can be boxed - no box is big enough!

Have fun!

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