[TYPO3-UG US] TYPO3 Discussion Board

Dimitri Tarassenko mitka at mitka.us
Tue Dec 20 19:12:32 CET 2005


On 12/20/05, Jan Wiegelmann <jan.wiegelmann at gmx.net> wrote:

> I'm free of all prejudices. phpBB is pretty much just as safe as any
> other boards.

That's good, but there is such thing as a "security track record". The
"security track record" is the reason why I never leave Windows
Servers exposed to the internet without some serious Linux/Cisco
firewalling and why I never deploy any production on Linux servers
that have public BIND servers. Even though they are probably much more
secure now than they used to be.

That's the same reason you don't hire the guy straight outta prison to
be your cashier, you let him sweep the floors for a while and see if
he steals toilet paper or not ;)

Dimitri Tarassenko

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