[TYPO3-UG US] Does "Learning TYPO3" replace "Getting started"?

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Mon Dec 19 08:53:52 CET 2005

Hash: SHA1


intensive discussion shows that we will get a new beginners tutorial.
Now I need to ask about the relation of the planned "Learning TYPO3" to
the existing "Getting started" and to the realtion of the "NPO package"
to the existing quickstart package.

Is NPO package designed to become successor of quickstart, or will we
need both? I ask this to find out, if it is neccessary to prepare a new
quickstart package for TYPO3 4.0.

Michael Stucki wrote a week ago in t.dev:

Hi folks,

it is planned that in TYPO3 4.0 there will be no more quickstart and
testsite packages. The import/export extension provides all necessary
features we need for this, therefore we should publish T3D packages of
exactly these existing sites that can be imported very easy.

Since I don't have the time to do that I would be happy if anyone could
prepare T3D files of quickstart and testsite (please use the 3.8.x versions
as the base).

Anybody willing to do that? Thanks in advance.

Regards, michael

Kasper made some remarks what would be necessary to make Michaels
visions technically possible.

The newsgroup typo3.teams.extension-coordination has been opened
yestarday. It will be the first task of this group to coordinate
quickstart and testsite packages for TYPO 4.0.

Those who deal with the development of the the NPO package are invited
to join typo3.teams.extension-coordination for the purpuse of
coordination with quickstart and testsite packages.



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