[TYPO3-UG Dutch] TYPO3Camp 9-11 maart 2017 in Venlo

Jacco van der Post jacco at id-internetservices.com
Thu Jan 26 10:09:39 CET 2017

Beste TYPO3-ers en geïnteresseerden!

Dit jaar wordt met de 5e editie het lustrum gevierd van TYPO3Camp in 
Venlo. Met veel bezoekers uit Duitsland en België heeft TYPO3Camp Venlo 
een internationaal karakter.

Het TYPO3Camp is bij uitstek de manier om laagdrempelig kennis op te 
doen en uit te wisselen, specialisten te ontmoeten en deel te nemen aan 
de TYPO3 community. Heb je vragen hoe je bepaalde dingen kunt 
implementeren met TYPO3 of wil je op de hoogte zijn van nieuwe 
ontwikkelingen, kom dan langs.

Het weekend begint donderdagavond in Café Central in het hart van Venlo 
met een gezellige borrel.

Op vrijdag is er conferentie met tal van interessante sprekers op het 

Zaterdag is de barcamp workshop dag waarbij we met zijn allen de 
onderwerpen gaan kiezen waarover sessies worden gehouden.

Het complete programma is te vinden op 

Ga voor de (lage!) deelnameprijzen en registratie naar

Hier onder meer informatie in het Engels.

Tot bij TYPO3Camp Venlo!


TYPO3camp Venlo is celebrating a milestone with the fifth edition of 
this international TYPO3camp. The organisation is really happy to see 
more international TYPO3camps popping up like recently TYPO3camp Vienna. 
As usual T3CV expects to see a lot of attendants from Germany due to 
Venlo’s location right at the German border. For this event we have also 
changed location to Domani, a church that is now mostly used for 
cultural events. We are extremely happy to announce this new location in 
the center of Venlo.

T3CV runs the first day as a conference and the second day as 
unconference, barcamp style. We have more quality and more diverse 
speakers than ever before.

Next to some seasoned speakers from the TYPO3 world like TYPO3 CEO 
Mathias Schreiber, Sven Wolferman on responsive webdesign and Björn 
Jacob on the new form engine, we have speakers, like Robert Douglass, 
Michelangelo van Dam, Joost  and Gijs Roeffen talking about more general 
internet stuff like deployment, PHP roadmap, Docker, SEO and security.

The event starts with socializing in Café Centraal in the heart of Venlo 
on Thursday evening and ends on Saturday afternoon.

Here is a an overview of some of the highlights of the first day, March 
10. Please find the latest info on the schedule for both days on the 
T3CV website: http://www.typo3campvenlo.nl/en/schedule/

Latest Tricks in Responsive Web Design by Sven Wolferman

In his session Sven shows some of the latest development in Responsive 
Web Design and what can be done without using Bootstrap AND without 
media queries. Why we should use responsive images und how to develop a 
fast responsive web site. Are there new ways for grid layouts? Sven will 
show current CSS features and upcoming possibilities for grids.

Sven Wolfermann is a freelance web developer with focus on modern 
front-end development living in Berlin. He is an expert in „Responsive 
Web Design“ and shares his knowledge while speaking at events or giving 
workshops. He cares about web standards, user experience, accessibility 
and performance optimization. Since 2003 he supports agencies and 
companies with their project work with his company “maddesigns”. On 
Twitter you’ll find Sven as @maddesigns.

TYPO3 8 LTS and TYPO3 Inc. by Mathias Schreiber

The TYPO3 core team is well into the next development cycle, TYPO3 
version 8. The main development is aimed at making the lives of TYPO3 
users easier. One of the most important things is the replacement of the 
Rich Text Editor RTE HTMLarea by CKeditor. RTE HTMLarea has been at the 
core of the editing experience for many years as a fork of, a back then 
very well known editor. CKeditor will be used in the backend as well as 
in the newly developed frontend editing experience, that will most 
likely see the light of day with the LTS release of TYPO3 version 8. 
TYPO3 will get more robust and flexible under the hood and the code base 
will be cleaned up more and more.

Mathias Schreiber, CEO of TYPO3 GmbH, will talk about the upcoming TYPO3 
LTS version and about TYPO3 as a company.

Search Engine Optimisation with Yoast for TYPO3 and Magento by Richard 
Haeser and Joost de Valk

Every website owner understands the significance of Search Engine 
Optimisation to attract visitors to your website and to achieve the best 
ranking possible in search engines. Everybody who deals with WordPress 
projects already knows the SEO module Yoast. In collaboration with 
Yoast, MaxServ developed SEO Yoast functionalities that can now be used 
in TYPO3 projects. In this presentation, Richard Haeser and Joost de 
Valk will highlight the capabilities of the Yoast TYPO3 module. They 
will also tell more about the future development of the module and how 
you can help.

Michelangelo van Dam - Latest PHP developments

Michelangelo van Dam is a professional PHP consultant and Zend Framework 
expert working mainly for governments and larger enterprises. 
Michelangelo is also president of PHPBenelux, a PHP user group operating 
in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg, and speaks at several PHP 
conferences around the world. He will guide us to the latest PHP 

Orchestrated, Consistent, and Deterministic Deployment by Robert Douglass

One of the largest risks and highest costs in any project is the act of 
deployment. What does O.C.D. mean and how to get there.

By following O.C.D. principles, you can achieve new levels of efficiency 
and security that positively impacts your entire organization. This 
session shares the framework, best practices, and tools (free and 
commercial) to judge any deployment process as well as investigate 
current weaknesses, gaps, and shortcomings.

Robert has worked with open source software projects, full-time, since 
2004 and is a published author, contributor and editor to various 
publications.  As a developer, he is best known for his contributions to 
the Memcache and Solr modules for Drupal. As the Vice President of 
Customer Success at Platform.sh, he oversees the product support and 
operations teams.

Containerize your application using Docker while standing on the 
shoulders of giants instead of cowboys by Lucas van Lierop
The last few years creating immutable infrastructure using (Linux) 
containers became a hot topic in software development, with Docker being 
the most well known technology.. Lucas is convinced that running an 
application in a containerized environment is the way forward. He is 
also convinced there are (way) too many ways that lead to Rome, or worse 
just lead to the Wild West. In software design this problem has been 
greatly reduced by the invention of patterns, principles and best 
practices that offer guidance. Some of these can be applied to 
infrastructure too. In this talk Lucas will discuss which principles and 
practices apply when creating a containerized infrastructure for your 

Manage TYPO3 website localization projects by Daniel Zielinski

As part of the increasing globalization and internationalization of 
businesses, more and more TYPO3 websites need to support multiple 
languages or locales. However, very often a lot of companies struggle 
when localizing and translating their website. TYPO3 website 
localization projects often go over time and over budget as their 
complexity is underestimated. Based on some real-life examples, we will 
present how to successfully plan and manage a TYPO3 website localization 
project, what typical pitfalls and show stoppers are and how to avoid them.

Daniel works for Loctimize as consultant for translation and 
localization technologies and trainer for all relevant translation tools 
with more than 10 years of experience. His consulting services include 
process analysis, tool assessment, configuration, translation platform 
implementation and roll-out. Daniel is one of the leaders of the 
Localization Manager (l10nmgr) development team.

Secure Web Applications by Gijs Roeffen

During this session, Gijs will show what common security vulnerabilities 
surface when developing web applications. Based on the popular OWASP 
guidelines, Gijs will present a pathway on how you can secure your web 
applications end-to-end without bearing the burden of functional 

Gijs is a Security Architect at ITSN with a passion for information 
security. He is an open-source enthusiast and is equipped with several 
years of information security experience. He guides organisations with 
design and implementations of cyber security efforts against actual 
threats they are facing and may face.

More sessions

Of course there will be many more sessions and most of them will be 
determined on the event itself as is quite common with a barcamp. The 
full schedule of TYPO3camp Venlo can be found here: 

Prices and easy registration can be found on: 
We have early bird prices starting at € 25 until Februari 17th.

Important parking information
There is no parking directly at the event location Domani as it is in 
the city center. Currently the parking Arsenaal is closed. Please see 
website for garages nearby (5 minutes walking). Q-Park (Centrum 
Maasboulevard) is the closest to Domani and Café Central.

There are several hotels downtown Venlo. These are located close to 
Domani, the train station and Café Centraal.

We have special hotel rates for the TYPO3camp Venlo for the hotels.

These prices are including breakfast and depending on the hotel 
excluding tourist taxes á 2 Euro per person per night. Use TYPO3 at your 
reservation for these discounts.

Hotel Puur (www.hotelpuur.nl) (incl. tourist taxes):

     1 person á 70 Euro per night (normal 71-81 Euro)
     2 persons á 75 Euro per night (normal 91 Euro)

Hotel Wilhelmina (www.hotel-wilhelmina.nl) (excl. tourist taxes):

     1 person á 61 Euro per night (normal 73 Euro)
     2 persons á 72 Euro per night (normal 90 Euro)

Hotel American (www.hotelamerican.nl) has regular prices with no discount:

     1 person á 53 Euro per night
     2 person á 71 Euro per night

Hotel Valuas (www.valuas-hr.nl/) nice location at the river Maas) (incl. 
tourist taxes):

     1 person á 85 Euro per night
     2 person á 110 Euro per night

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