[TYPO3-UG Dutch] phpMyAdmin extensie

Ton Akveld AT rode Lijn a.c.akveld at rodelijn.nl
Thu Mar 15 19:04:48 CET 2007

Hi groep,

Ik heb net geprobeerd de extensie phpmyadmin_0.2.1 te installeren.
Ik krijg hierbij de volgende foutmelding:

SUCCESS: /opt/lampp/htdocs/cms/typo3conf/ext/phpmyadmin/
Error: Either TYPO3_MOD_PATH or $BACK_PATH was not found in the
"/opt/lampp/htdocs/cms/typo3conf/ext/phpmyadmin/modsub/conf.php" file.
You must manually configure that!
Type: L
Cache-files are removed and will be re-written upon next hit

De inhoud van
/opt/lampp/htdocs/cms/typo3conf/ext/phpmyadmin/modsub/conf.php is:


// Setting specific configuration for the third part module:
$MCONF['phpMyAdminScript'] = '';        // or
'main.php','db_details.php', enter the script to load, if any
$MCONF['phpMyAdminSubDir'] = '';

if (!isset($MCONF['extModInclude'])) {
        $MCONF['extModInclude'] = 0;

// UN-COMMENT THIS LINE to activate phpMyAdmin! Please make sure the path is
// correct! (LOWERCASE!!) Enter the subdirectory of the scripts
$MCONF['phpMyAdminSubDir'] = 'phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-pl3/';

$script_name = (php_sapi_name() == 'cgi'|| php_sapi_name() ==
'cgi-fcgi') && (isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']) ?

if (strstr($script_name, 'phpmyadmin.css.php')) {
        $MCONF['phpMyAdminSubDir'] .= 'css/';

// Almost regular configuration of the module. Only if
// is set, then phpMyAdminSubDir is prepended to the TYPO3_MOD_PATH and
// to BACK_PATH. If this is not correct, init.php will exit!
$BACK_PATH='../../../' . ($MCONF['extModInclude'] ? '../' : '');

// Check if PMA is installed and executed in local context, if true
modify paths
if (substr_count($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'typo3conf') > 0) {
        define('TYPO3_MOD_PATH', '../typo3conf/ext/phpmyadmin/modsub/' .
( $MCONF['extModInclude'] ? $MCONF['phpMyAdminSubDir'] : '' ));
        $BACK_PATH='../../../../' . ($MCONF['extModInclude'] ? '../' :
'') . 'typo3/';
} else {
        define('TYPO3_MOD_PATH', 'ext/phpmyadmin/modsub/' .
($MCONF['extModInclude'] ? $MCONF['phpMyAdminSubDir'] : ''));

$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] = 'thirdparty_db.gif';
$MLANG['default']['ll_ref'] = 'LLL:EXT:phpmyadmin/modsub/locallang_mod.php';

$MCONF['script'] = 'index.php';
$MCONF['access'] = 'admin';
$MCONF['name'] = 'tools_txphpmyadmin';


Heeft iemand enig idee wat ik waar moet aanpassen?

Alvast mijn dank!

Ton Akveld

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