[TYPO3-UG Denmark] extremely good stuff

knud knud at dreier.be
Thu May 4 05:57:32 CEST 2017


I  guess that stuff  is extremely good, it's just so amazing, come on,  take  a look http://neddy.paystub.mobi

Warmest regards, knud

From: TYPO3 Usergroup Denmark [mailto:typo3-ug-denmark at lists.typo3.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 11:57 PM
To: knud at dreier.be

That would  work for some  people, and not for others. INTJs are not all  the  same, INTPs are not all the same, and relationships between them will  depend more on the individuals  than on the  types.   
You're dealing with an individual person.  The  individual differences are going to  be  the  big factor, not the  type. Talk to  him, about him  personally  - not us, as though we were  a single homogeneous  mass.  

Talk to  your friend about what you  each  want in a roommate, and  see if the two of  you  are personally compatible.  

Talk about:   
-what needs to be cleaned?  
-how  often should each  of  those things be  cleaned?   
-how should sharing those duties be set up?  
-what standard  is common space  to be kept to?   
-who  would handle the money? What  would  happen  if one of you was late  or  lacking the money  required in a month?   
-what temperature should the thermostat  be kept to?   What sort of compromise should  be found  if you disagree?  
-what will you share, and what  will each person be responsible for?   
-will you share food?   
-If  so, do you eat the same food?  Are you going  to eat meals  together, or just buy groceries together? What if one of you wants  to spend  the  money on name brands, and the other is fine with store brands to save?    
-Is  it  acceptable to have other friends over? For how  long? how many?  Does  notice need to be  given?  Do you  need to ask the other roommate  before inviting a  friend over? What if it's for two  weeks?   
-why would you be roommates? What do you expect? Are  you supposed  to be hanging out together, or simply occupying the  same space?  

Think of day-to-day life, and what else  might be  relevant.   Think about what annoys each  of you in living with your families - are any of  those things to work out  with potential  roommates?  

All those things matter,  and  the two of you can  discuss them.  The type only  gives  you a  couple vague ideas.  
I strongly bet that if ten of us in this sub answered the  questions I asked, you'd get at least 8 different answers.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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