[TYPO3-UG Australia] Pixelsound

Bernie Pfister bernie.pfister at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 03:44:51 CEST 2008

Hi list,

Yes ,that's me. I'm from Pixelsound. I only do TYPO3. Unless it's an  
online shop or a custom developed application.

Sorry if I don't engage in the talks about the WA UG, but being a  
swiss expat living in WA I feel almost closer to Europe than to  
Melbourne. So I'm doing my thing here and try to make it a living.

At the moment it's just me, but a few months back I tried with  
several staff. We were actively looking for web designers with TYPO3  
knowledge and not one of the applicants had TYPO3 experience. I  
provided training to new staff, but that turned out to take so much  
time. So in WA I'm pretty much the only one doing TYPO3.

To the idea of typo3.com.au and typo3.org.au: In theory it sounds  
good, but someone will have to maintain it. And the original  
typo3.com and typo3.org already do a great job. I tried several times  
to spread the word here in WA at the Port 80 meetings. I think  
getting other developers on board would be good. Here they do a lot  
of Drupal, Joomla and Ruby. Everyone thinks TYPO3 is too complex for  
production environment, which might be true to a certain extent, I  

If I ever get to Melbourne I'll contact you guys or visit you in your  
offices. And I promise to be a bit more active.


Bernie Pfister
Web Designer

Pixelsound Web Design Perth
ABN 68 773 244 755

Phone   +61 8 9418 8961
Fax	+61 8 6222 5205

Email   mail at pixelsound.com
Web     www.pixelsound.com

PO Box 126
Hamilton Hill WA 6963

Usually I check my emails at 9am, 1pm and 4.30pm.
For urgent matters please call 9418 8961.

On 12/06/2008, at 10:03 PM, Christian Lerrahn wrote:

> Hi,
> is there any representative of Pixelsound Perth on this mailing list?
> Or if not, does anyone know anything about them? They rank second and
> third on Google Australia if you search for TYPO3 and have several
> pages on TYPO3 on their corporate website. I'm just curious how much
> they actually really use it. I've seen a few WA websites they might
> have done but I don't really know who they are.
> Cheers,
> Christian
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> TYPO3-UG-australia mailing list
> TYPO3-UG-australia at lists.netfielders.de
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