[TYPO3-UG Australia] a little help?

David Cake dave at difference.com.au
Thu Jun 7 05:06:21 CEST 2007

	I've just got frustrated with what looks to be a really 
simple problem in typo3, only none of the obvious straightforward 
solutions seem to work. I think I'm mssing something that is really 
obvious to an experienced typo3 user, and confusing to an occasional 
dabbler like myself.
	I have a template, an html template. I wish to replace the 
contents of a particular part of the main, all contained with a 
single <div>, with the contents of a particular page that has a 
selection of manually selected new articles (and of which are just 
CONTENT objects from a news page). I'm doing it all in draft mode.
	I have just been saying
temp.newslist = CONTENT
temp.newslist.source {
	table = tt_content
	pidInList = 12

and then
subparts.news-wrapper < temp.newslist
later (which I am satisfied is working fine - it does the correct 
thing if I replace temp.newlist with a plain TEXT object or similar)
	Assuming that means all the content objects on the page with 
pid 12 will be inserted. I've tried similar things with RECORDS. But 
I'm getting nothing at all. Suggestions?

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