[TYPO3-UG Australia] Invalid at the top level of the document error

Cate Deans Smith cdeans at diess.com.au
Thu May 18 02:27:55 CEST 2006

Hi all (again)

RE:The issue I posted last night

"Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource
os&CMD[load]=1&CMD[clrCmd]=1&SET[singleDetails]=info'. Line 1, Position 1 

Column 'content' cannot be null<!DOCTYPE html

I got the same error for dr_wiki, although it did install - but when trying
to use, I got

"2: SQL error: 'Column 'l18n_diffsource' cannot be null'

Am I right thinking they are linked issues?

Cate Deans Smith
diess - Performance through Synergy

cdeans at diess.com.au

+61 7 3342 5261
P.O. Box 203
Springwood Qld 4127

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