[TYPO3-UG Australia] typo3 3.8.1 - 4.0 - pages disappeared

Paul Sanderson pauls at iibsc.com
Wed May 17 17:19:06 CEST 2006

Hi Cate & Remy,

I think Remy is correct in saying that on some hosts you could run in
PHP script those commands.

I'll certainly try out your scripts Remy. Good thinking.

However, I do know some hosts that explicitly deny access to the shell
because they don't want certain commands run on their shared server
(though few would be game enough to block 'exec'). They also warn
against running such scripts and that scripts doing things they don't
approve of (including user creating symlinks) would result in the system
admins banning that script and possibly the client. Sadly, not all hosts
are helpful and happy to assist as some of yours may have been Remy.

remji at iinet.net.au wrote:
> Hi Cate,
>> extensions being the thing needing symlinks...
> Don't think that is correct. The .tgz distribution of Typo3 contains 
> symlinks where the .zip distribution achieves the same effect with 
> duplicate files. In other words, it's Typo3 that needs the symlinks or 
> duplicate files, irrespective of any extensions. There is a good 
> explanation of this in the Installation and Upgrade manual.
Please refer to the RELEASE_NOTES.txt file in the root of the latest
TYPO3 4.0 package, which I had simply paraphrased.

The full text of the relevant section I've replicated here:
> This page contains all important 4.0 specific information.
> Symlink Change
> ===============
> * Starting with TYPO3 4.0beta3, internal symlinks are not used
>   anymore. This means, that there will be no symlinks inside the
>   typo3_src/ folder. However, some extensions are not correctly
>   adopted to the new scheme, therefore you may want to add the
>   symlinks again to prevent any problems.
> * If you are upgrading from an older version, you will need to change
>   the symlink index.php (pointing to tslib/index_ts.php in TYPO3_3.8.1
>   and before) to point to typo3_src/index.php in TYPO3 4.0:
>   $ rm index.php
>   $ ln -s typo3_src/index.php index.php
>   (provided you have linked the "typo3_src" folder to your TYPO3 source
>   folder, e.g. "typo3_src-4.0/")

>> and don't have shell access the host either 
>> (which I gather I might be needing)
> More likely than not you don't need shell access to set your symlinks. You 
> can set your symlinks with PHP scripts. This is a script that I used to 
> set the typo3_src symlink:
> <?
> unlink("typo3_src");
> exec('ln -s ../t3/typo3_src-3.8.0/ typo3_src');
> echo readlink("typo3_src")."<br />";
> ?>
> Always first remove the existing symlink with unlink(). Then set the 
> symlink with exec('ln -s ') or with symlink(). E.g. 
>   exec('ln -s ../t3/typo3_src-3.8.0/ typo3_src'); 
> should be the same as 
>   symlink("../t3/typo3_src-3.8.0/", "typo3_src");
> Set the symlinks in a hierarchical sequence, starting with the typo3_src 
> symlink. Trying to set all the required symlinks in one script often 
> doesn't lead to the desired result. Probably a timing issue.
One needs to be aware too that when setting symlinks on different
servers, some running PHP as a Apache (mod_php), others running PHP as
CGI or as PHP compiled into Apache and as the user (su_exec); I find
this makes things the simplest and the best. The way PHP is run in these
various environments will have implications when one considers what
permissions will be assigned to a symlink: in most cases they need
execute permissions as directories do either on the user or group.

On the other side of the coin is the fact that TYPO3 with enough effort
and planning can be installed and run on virtually any web host with
enough perseverance and effort; , as many more knowledgeable than me on
this list already know.

My earlier statements unhelpful hosts is a reflection on comments made
by some hosts who think CMS's should run in their environment without
effort on their part in all cases. I guess they don't know the value of
a good CMS.

However, this is all academic as you seem to be getting quite adept at
solving your own problems Cate.

I'll add your scripts to my toolkit: they're definitely a good idea.
Thanks Remy.


> NB: The examples above are correct for the directory structure I used. 
> Mutate mutandis!
> Hope this helps,
> Remy
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