[TYPO3-translators] Request for administrative status

Vlatko Šurlan vlatko.surlan at evorion.hr
Fri Feb 13 15:03:05 CET 2015

Greetings to the list!
I've been translating Croatian for a long time. At the moment my contribution is 7139 submissions and 216 reviews. Seems like the translation lead for Croatian - Toni Milovan - has abandoned TYPO3. In view of this I am making an official request to be granted the position of the TYPO3 Croatian team lead with the administrative permission that go along with it. I already have one person requesting access so I urge for prompt resolution of this request.

Thank you and don't forget your wives/girlfriends tomorrow!

S poštovanjem,
Vlatko Šurlan, tehnički direktor
Evorion mediji j.d.o.o.
OIB: 36288830131
E-mail: ured at prijevodi-online.net
Ured: Letovanićka ulica 32, 10000 Zagreb
GSM: +385 (0)98 1722 187
Tel: +385 (0)1 6131 859
Web: www.prijevodi-online.net
Napomena: u odgovoru uključivati sadržaj prethodnih emailova.
Sadržaj ove poruke smatra se poslovnom tajnom i namijenjen je isključivo primatelju odnosno osobi kojoj je poruka adresirana. Ukoliko ste ovu poruku primili pogreškom, molimo Vas da je odmah uništite.

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