[TYPO3-translators] Missing labels translations (it exists in Pootle)

Marcus 'biesior' Biesioroff vsbies at wp.pl
Mon Oct 10 11:00:05 CEST 2011


There is some problem I cannot solve any way... We have translated lot 
of stuff, but sometimes translated labels are empty in typo3conf/l10n/pl 

For an example, label menu_language_packges translated since many 
weeks/monts ( 

but in XLF it remains:

    <trans-unit id="menu_language_packges">
       <source>Language Packages</source>

and in XML:

    <label index="menu_language_packges" />

I was purging typo3temp/*-l10n-pl.zip and even typo3conf/l10n/pl/* and 
updated translations many times, with no results.

Why there is such situation. Unfortunately, there is many places in BE, 
where Polish labels are empty, although they are translated, accepted, 
etc. for long time.

Greetings Marcus

Marcus 'biesior' Biesioroff
http://www.typo3.pl | TYPO3 Polish Community

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