[TYPO3-translators] Need access to translation server

Alexander Grein info at mediaessenz.eu
Mon Mar 14 17:05:29 CET 2011


Alex Kellner and me are the leaders of the powermail extension project.
Nearly a month ago we release the new version 1.6 with a lot of new features. Since this time, we have the problem, that some text messages and labels in the frontend and backend will not be translated in to german or will be translated wrong. This causes of the wrong language files, which comes from the TYPO3 language server and don't contains the new labels and there translations.

So we need access to this system to update the language files.

Kind regards

Alexander Grein

Hauptstraße 57 . 82234 Weßling
Fon: +49 (0)8153 976060 . Fax: +49 (0)8153 953459
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