[TYPO3-team-templavoila] RFC #8353 - Bugfix - Element is referenced instead of moved

Tolleiv.Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Tue Oct 27 21:55:43 CET 2009

I guess we need a new review-round for this one ....

I just rechecked the entire patch and found that using the move-feature 
within the page-module isn't working properly whenever nested content is 

Initially the bug-description only contained the situation where a 
certain record (which is nested within an container-element) was moved 
to another page. This is more-or-less resolved by the old patch.

But whenever a container itself is moved to another page the nested 
elements still show issues. In such a case they're not moved and 
therefore they turn into references on the destination page.

So I've created a new patch which resolves all these situations:

1) Moving is always performed recursively.
1.1) Any record which has the same pid as the parent record is moved to 
the new location.
1.2) Thus moving a container which contains references keeps the 
reference and doesn't touch the referenced record anyhow.

2) Moving references (directly) doesn't move the actual record, it just 
creates a reference at the new location.

Imho the attached patch changes the behavior of the move-action to a 
predictable, reasonable and intuitive action. I'd prefer to fix all 
together within this single issue but we could of course split it into 
two issues...


Tolleiv Nietsch
www.tolleiv.de - www.aoemedia.de

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