[TYPO3-team-templavoila] default eTypes

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sun Dec 6 17:44:20 CET 2009


just to inform you, i'm currently work on this issue.
Default eTypes are the Element presets you'll find in the mapping 
interface when ever you create new fields.
There are some presets where you have to edit the TCA config because you 
like to have other settings. Also extensions like DAM need to change 
these settings as they need other TCA settings, other TS etc.
Some eTypes are missing that you may want to have in the presets.

This is the isea of the new handling:

* a function defines the default eTypes including there TCA /TS settings
* a possibility to override with typoscript, eg change defaults
* a hook for replace / add / remove / change default eTypes (eg for DAM)

Mainly there will be 3 groups of eTypes like in 1.4.1:
* formFields
* typoscript objects
* misc (others)

If you like to comment / add ideas, please feel free to do it right now.

vg Steffen

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