[TYPO3-hci] HCI - the I stands for ...

Feodor Rykhtik feodor.rykhtik at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 12:13:25 CET 2008

It depends what You see and how You are reading the text.
For example, now You could think we are speaking about re-representation of
icons, but in reality it's the question of BE-structure.
About organization of objects. For example, if we will use more system based
on PHP and hardcoded object types, or more on ID/class system, then it will
give the possibility to manage more easily the interfaces using CSS and

> sometimes a have the feeling that people think the "I" stands for icons.
> > 98% of the issues are icon-related, but it means "Interface" which is
> Ingmar is right, the I stands for Interaction. But other than that you
> speak out of the sole of my heart.
> > vg Steffen
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