[TYPO3-hci] Login Screen

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Fri Apr 25 22:14:57 CEST 2008

"Martin Kutschker" <Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net> schrieb im 
news:mailman.1.1209125862.27270.typo3-team-hci at lists.netfielders.de...
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> as we started with a templated BE it's a logical step to continue, so i 
>> vote for a HTML-Template for the Loginscreen with a modern markup.
>> +1 for adding noscript-part and a warning if cookies are disabled.
> How about using Smarty or some other real templating engine (FLOW3!?!?) 
> for that?
> Masi

I agree for using Smarty in future.

Sure, for this "simple" things like login or Docheader it's not necessary, 
but these are only the start on a complete templated BE.
And Smarty supports OOP and many techniques for such a complex task.

And why should be do own solutions when there is such improved system. It's 
the same with JS- all was done in a own way, until the complexity needed a 
better solution, now we use prototype framework. Same feeling for me with 
the template engine.

And btw - smarty comes with an excellent console which can help a lot while 
developing for BE

vg Steffen 

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