[TYPO3-hci] colors in new skin (t3skin)

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Wed May 31 16:44:16 CEST 2006

>>> We have some discussons in russian typo3 group about new skin:
>>> many persons consider it as "awful for eye", because it is too
>>> bright light.
>> Could you be more specific?
>> The bgcolor is grey and light enough for a good contrast I think?
> Yes.
> Grey bgcolor do not produce  good contrast.
> And this grey color produce an effect of  "tied eyes" after some
> hours of work with TYPO3 BackEnd.
> I do not understand why other peoples do not see this.
> May be this grey color is good on LCD monitor? (I use CRT monitor)

Using CRT too and I can imagine what's your problem.

> I uninstall this new skin on every TYPO3 installation that I made.
> Old BackEnd is a bit outdated in design, but it is usable. New skin
> IMHO absolutly not usable.

This is where I don't get the point.
You are complaining about the new skin with the _grey_ background being to
bright, while the old skin with a _white_ background is not?!

BTW: The background color is not really grey but a "blue-ish white" and this
might be the problem.
It's the same effect you get with the front lights of modern cars, that
always look as if they had much more power than the old ones.
In fact the light's temperature is just closer to 9300K, which means more

But you are right, when you say it's no good way of working with backgrounds
being too bright.
This is why I don't like both of them, old _and_ new skin.

> This question will be maijor, if old skin will not be supported in
> 4.5 and
> 5.0.
> So I sugest at least  support  old skin in future,
> if for some reason it is not possible to make new skin comfortable
> for eyes.

I suggest something else:
Place a some color pickers somewhere in the user setup so that you can
change the colors however you like.


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