[TYPO3-hci] Let's create and discuss some personas

Fabrizio Branca fabrizioft_PLEASEREMOVE_ at gmx.de
Tue May 23 09:08:01 CEST 2006

Hi List,

> »The Elastic User
> Although satifying the user is our goal, the term ‘user’ causes trouble. Its imprecision makes it
> unusable, like trying to remove someone´s appendix with a chainsaw. We need a more precise
> design tool.
> Whenever I hear the phrase ‘the user’, it sounds to me like ‘the elastic user’. The elastic user
> must bend and stretch and adapt to the needs of the moment. However, our goal is to design
> software that will bend and stretch and adapt to the user´s needs. […] In our design process,
> we never refer to the ‘user’. Instead, we refer to a very special individual: a persona.«
 > (Alan Cooper)

what about creating a set of typical t3-users by thinking profiles and 
giving them names?

I agree with Alan Cooper and other usability/design experts who suggest 
to think about typical users by creating "personas".

It could be easier for the hci-team and for all discussions in the list 
to have a set of personas. For example we could refer to "Sam" when 
talking about the typical T3-Extension developer having all in mind 
someone with good php-skills, some t3 experience, a lot of web experience...

We should work them out by giving them names and a face (a picture), by 
thinking of details of their t3-life.

I think this could be fun and helps us to get in mind which people are 
dealing with the system, what they expect and what we could do to 
improve the handling.



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