[TYPO3-hci] Focus on the editors.

Stig Nørgaard Færch stig at 8620.dk
Thu May 18 08:43:46 CEST 2006

Troels Kjær Rasmussen skrev:
> But isn´t that exactly what workspaces are doing? - you are able to 
> configure each workspace quite specific for each usertype (role) you want - 
> and you get versioning and prof workflow as a part of that package too.
> Workspaces seems to me to be the future ECM approach to workflows, roles and 
> versioning - a better dashboard for each workspace would be perfect though 
> (maybe even a templateable one like the one typoconsult did recently for 
> their schools project, for those of you who have seen it.

Well, I'm not a workspace expert.
But unless I missed something (I might have), Workspace works on 
pagemounts and not usergroups. There is probably a good technical reason 
for this. But this is not the point.

My point is that with roles you define a usergroup as a role. When you 
assign a role to a user, all other roles are as if they were not 
assigned at all.
This means that you only see the modules which were defined and intended 
for that one selected role. This is of course true for all the 
permissions defined in this role (modify, listing, userTS, pageTypes, 
excludeFields, subgroups and of course DB mounts.)

My thought behind this, is that a BEuser shouldn't be able have more 
options than necessary.

I guess it wouldn't be so much of an big issue to make this 
functionality a part of Workspace? - if it's not already??


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