[TYPO3-ect] Supported TYPO3 versions > 7.0

Michael Schams typo3.lists at 2014.trash.schams.net
Tue Dec 23 06:33:54 CET 2014

On 22/12/14 08:21, Jigal van Hemert wrote:

>> It looks like the current supported TYPO3 version is 7.x.x. Is this
>> correct? Given the fact that 7.1 (and higher) is not released yet, I
>> have assumed, the max version should be 7.0.999.
> Version 7.x are not considered as separate releases (with their own git
> branches), but steps towards TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS. After the release of 7.1
> there will be no updates to 7.0.x.

Hmmmm... I understand. I think, this is a drawback of the concept of the 
new release cycle :-(

The idea behind the TER clean-up strategy we implemented a while ago was 
also that extension developers can publish extensions for "supported" 
TYPO3 CMS versions only - and not for TYPO3 releases, which have not 
been published yet.

Now with the new release cycle and the policy "you can claim, your 
extension works in all TYPO3 7-dot-whatever version" (which even 
includes the "final" LTS version!), this is a step backwards from my 

It is very likely, that we will see architectural changes of the TYPO3 
core (e.g. in version 7.1 "Core Cleanup & Streamlining"), that will 
break extensions, which worked in a previous 7.x release.

I see a high risk that this will purify the TER again and that 
Integrators will come across extensions, which "should" be compatible 
with certain TYPO3 versions, but in truth, are not.

> I don't think we can ask of extension authors to provide an update every
> 2-3 months just because we released a new step in the CMS 7 development.

Yeah, that's a tricky one. I don't have an answer or suggestion how to 
address this, but you are right, asking that every few months would 
possibly annoy extension developers.

Maybe we should continue this discussion in the typo3-dev list, given 
the fact that typo3-ect does not reach the broader audience?


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