[TYPO3-ect] xajax and multiplugins

Joerg Schoppet joerg at schoppet.de
Tue Jul 10 08:51:31 CEST 2007

Ingo Schmitt wrote:
> Hi List,
> I've updazted the SVN today, so there should be a new version in the
> brach multiplugin.
> It would be great to get some feedback on it.

I just looked at your code and if I understand it right, you just have
extended the tx_xajax-class with a $sAjaxName-var.

Can you provide two example pages (1 with the "old" setting, and 1 with
the new), so that the difference is distinguishable in action. Then I
would start a discussion on xajaxproject.org to get it in an official


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