[TYPO3-ect] MVC: Language object

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Tue Mar 28 19:01:31 CEST 2006

Michael Scharkow schrieb:
> We definitely need to keep and extend it, but preferable outside the
> controller in a dedicated class that is automatically included then. No
> reason to put this in the controller.

Like the tx_link and dbal it has nothing to do with the controller
itself. It an independent "service" in the same way.

> Extending this locallang class is necessary for more convenience and
> tightness in the code. At the moment, all locallang files are local to
> the pi_X class they are used in, however in a lot of circumstances you
> want to share LL labels across plugins, etc.
> Which means that some more magic is needed in this area, so that
> translations are also fetched from
> 1. Global localisation files (from the T3 lang packs)
> 2. Extension locallang files
> 3. Controller locallang files
> 4. TS overrides.

Good points. Yes, we should not only provide the features of pi_base
but improve them. As first milestone to provide the same.

What ideas have you with a controller locallang?

> Plus, we need to find a way to use labels as simply as possible in view
> templates.

I think it is the task of each template technology to solve this. For
the development of the language object it will be enough to provide
some simple functions as interface.


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