[TYPO3-extension-coordination] Quickstart and testsite packages for TYPO3 4.0
Kasper Skårhøj
kasper2005 at typo3.com
Mon Dec 19 23:18:26 CET 2005
Hey Jeff,
How are you!
[Or the more profane american way I know: "How's it hanging..." ;-)]
> I was the one who first raised quesitons about using the Import/Export
> Wizard. If it works, it will make life much easier but I think we'll
> run into problems with extensions and with static files.
I would like to support the idea of finetuning the import/export format to be
capable of such things. I actually forwarded to Robert Lemke that the
Extension Manager should have a mode where some external application (like
the import-process) could
a) link to the EM with a request to install a list of extensions (possible in
specified versions?)
b) a return URL when done
Thus the import-process could - as a step during import - take care of
extension dependencies; not by actually including the extensions in the
import file but by asking the EM to download and install them!
I think Robert accepted this and it will be a part of 4.0 because we actually
plan that testsite/quickstart etc. should be distributed like that with 4.0!
I'm sure Michael Stucki (concerned with packaging among other things) would be
deligthed to know that you can help in this regard, you might even get some
fixed job-position within the packaging department Mr. Stucki runs ;-)
> The package that I mentioned earlier includes several TemplaVoila
> templates, and we tried to export these for download to a standard TYPO3
> install. The backend records exported correctly, but we had a lot of
> problems getting external files in fileadmin to be included properly.
> It may have just been my lack of knowledge causing the problems, but I'm
> guessing we'll run into similar issues with Quickstart and Testsite.
Correct usage of "soft references" should fix this problem. Are you aware of
those and how they work? I don't know of any bugs in them so if the soft
reference parsers don't pick up your file references correctly that might be
the cause of the problem.
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