[TYPO3-dam-devel] How to use DAM in an own extension

t.werdin t.werdin at web-vision.de
Thu Apr 12 16:27:00 CEST 2012

Dear developer Team,

I'm building an extbase extension. The FE-User should be able to upload images.

I move the images to the uploads/my_extension/ folder which is no problem.

Then I want to index the file with dam so I can save the uid of the dam record
in my model and save it to my table.

I try to index the file with:

$data = tx_dam::index_process($filename, array('doReindexing' => 99));

When I'm logged in as a BE-User this is no problem. But when I'm not logged in
in BE (such as a normal visitor and logged in FE-User) I get an fatal error.

This is because no BE_USER object is there. After reading through dam_frontend I

if(empty($GLOBALS['BE_USER'])) {

    $GLOBALS['BE_USER'] = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_tsfeBeUserAuth');



This helps to avoid the fatal error but the indexing is not working I get back
an empty array.

So I coppied another few code lines from dam_frontend:

$indexer = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_indexing');



$indexer->restoreSerializedSetup(array('doReindexing' => 99));


$indexer->collectMeta = true;




$data = $indexer->indexFile($filename);

This is similar to what index_process does.

But now I get an array which contains an failure message:

"Meta record could not be inserted: Attempt to modify table 'tx_dam' without

I'm working on this for over a weak now and our customer is waiting for his

Could you please tell me what is necessary to add a file to the index with dam?

Am I missing some parameters? What function do I have to user when a logged in
FE-User should be able to upload and index a file?

Please give me all mandatory settings etc so I can index a already uploaded file
and get back the uid.

Kind regards

Tim Werdin

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