[TYPO3-dam-devel] DAM Repository moved to GIT

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Mon Jul 25 23:39:13 CEST 2011


Am 25.07.2011 22:54, schrieb Ingmar Schlecht:
> Hi Lorenz,
>> - At the last DAM meeting (http://typo3.ietherpad.com/201107?) we
>> decided that only one vote is necessary to submit a patch, and team
>> members is granted a direct submit for no-brainers. How can this be
>> reflected in Gerrit?
> We can change the policy in Gerrit, so I will ask Peter to reflect that.
> Thanks for the pointer!

DAM team-members can decide to just give/vote +2 by default straight 
away. As soon as a +2 is present in each catgeory the submit button will 
show up.

This is known to be working (vote +2 on no no-brainers, vote +1 and wait 
for other votes) and unfortunatly *not* adoptable on a per project base.

btw, gerrit can't decide between no-brainers and brilliant code work. ;)

While I am sure this will work out pretty fine once you are used to it: 
if it is not clear enough or causing bad troubles for you please let us 
know and we will try to give you all the help we can.

>> - Obvisouly the DAM Git repository is configured to only allow pushing
>> from people that have signed the CLA. So I can't push changes anymore.
> No, in general that is only required for Extbase as well as FLOW3 /
> Phoenix related projects. If it's the case for DAM as well, that's a bug
> and should be reconfigured.


Greets and hth,
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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