[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #12778: Add softref parser for related DAM records

Peter Kuehn [wmdb] peter.kuehn at wmdb.de
Wed Mar 24 11:03:35 CET 2010

Hi Thorsten, hi DAMsters,

this feature request is a must-have for me - thanks thorsten for finding 
the right spot to solve this! :)

 > (Including the files themselves in the export isn't covered yet,
 > neither
 > by the existing code nor by the patch; but that's a different story)

sry - but this is the problem i have with the patch:
as long as the files are not included, id prefer to *not* export 
dam-records over importing records that just create orphans. :(

just to let you know:

not knowing that thorsten works on this issue, wmdb donated some money 
month ago to the coreteam on that (namely to steffen kamper who is in 
charge for impexp) and steffen promised just yesterday, that he will try 
to add the filehandling during the next days - if possible, based on 
thorstens patch. maybe thorsten and steffen could get in contact about 
that or lets just wait to see steffens sugestions.


Thorsten Kahler schrieb:
> Hi Michiel,
> schrieb Michiel Roos [netcreators] am 17.03.10 09:35:
>>> DAM already provides some "softref parsers" to keep track of DAM records
>>> related to text fields (usually RTE fields). Since mm-relations to DAM
>>> aren't defined as "normal" TYPO3 relations, a softref parser for records
>>> related via tx_dam_mm_ref is also necessary.
>>> The attached patch adds a softref parser function to class
>>> tx_dam_softrefproc and registers it in file tca_media_field.php to all
>>> TCA definitions generated by an API call to txdam_getMediaTCA().
>>> Note: the softrefs are required to include ((static) references to) DAM
>>> records in .t3d exports.
>> Can you please briefly describe the teps to reproduce. . . uh, steps to
>> test.
> typical failure: the most important sentence put at the bottom :-}
> In brief the steps to reproduce:
> * create a CE of type "Text w/image"
> * link an image in bodytext (RTE) of that CE
> * link an image using "Images" (fieldstx_damttcontent_files)
> * start a .t3d export of the page containing the new CE
> ** set "Include tables": tt_content
> ** set "Use static relations for tables": tx_dam (you can use "Include
> relations to tables" here as well; in this setup it may show you, that
> the relations to tx_dam_cat records are not exported)
> ==>
> * without patch only the DAM record linked in the bodytext field is exported
> * with patch the image linked in tx_damttcontent_files is exported as well
> (Including the files themselves in the export isn't covered yet, neither
> by the existing code nor by the patch; but that's a different story)
> Best regards
> Thorsten

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