[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #6014: dam_catedit: Normal BE-User unable to add/sort Toplevel Categories

Lorenz Ulrich lorenz-typo3 at visol.ch
Thu Dec 9 14:53:38 CET 2010

Hello DAM people!

I'm posting this on behalf of Stanislas Rolland to speed things up a little.

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: bugfix

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6014

Normal (non-admin) be users cannot create new top-level categories by 
using the click menu. A known workaround is to create a new subcategory 
and then remove the parent category from the parent category field.

They also cannot sort top-level categories, because no category-list 
shows up, when clicking on 'Categories'.

The attached patch (dam_bugfix_6014.patch) allows non-admin users to add 
categories at the root level (provided they have required permissions on 
the media sysfolder page).

The second attached patch (dam_bugfix_6014_2.patch) fixes the other 
issue and shows the list of categories when the non-admin user clicks on 
the root of the tree.

As it is not my own patch I'd like to give my +1 by testing.

Best regards,

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