[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #9652: Unknown column 'tx_dam.uid' after clicking 'wrong'

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Wed Sep 16 20:15:54 CEST 2009


This is a SVN patch request.
Branches: trunk, 1.1
BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=9652

Problem: SQL errors in Info module

Solution: Error comes from combinations of tables in FROM and a JOIN. So 
this doesn't work:
SELECT * FROM t1, t2 LEFT JOIN t3 ON t1.uid=t3.uid
but this does:
SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 LEFT JOIN t3 ON t1.uid=t3.uid

Another error came from including the where clause from previous queries 
without having the tables in the FROM part of the query.

Dan Osipov
Calkins Media

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