[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #9819: DAM Usage Information Enhancements

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Sat Nov 22 23:56:02 CET 2008

Hi DAM team,

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

Bugtracker references:


DAM usage information is incomplete.


1. Tracking of media usage

Two new soft reference keys and associated soft reference parsers are
added: media and mediatag. These soft reference keys are added in the
TCA to the softref property of thoses fields that may contain references
to media using img tags (RTE-enabled fields), references to dam-indexed
files (generallly image fields), or that may contain <media> tags (plain
text and RTE-enabled fields). These parsers generate references that are
stored in table sys_refindex, thus keeping track of the records
references to media records.

Parsers for typolink and typolink_tag are extended to store the
reference to the media if the link if to a dam-indexed file.

If an extension like tt_news creates references to DAM media, it would
suffice that it configures in TCA the softref property for any column
that may contain references to media. Media usage by tt_news records
updated in the BE would thus also be tracked.

2. Rendering usage information

The presentation of media usage is enhanced by showing for each media
and for all references:
- the table containing the reference to the media,
- the record id in the table,
- the column or field in the record that is referring to the media,
- the type of reference: link to file or to media, inserted file or
media, or inserted file copy.

Information about inserted file copies is completed by combining
information from the dam file tracking table and the TYPO3 reference
index table.

Presentation of media usage is re-writtten to adopt the ways of other
dam modules. It is also re-formatted on the show element window. Note
that the info button will always open a new window, even in link or
image browsers.

This patch applies to current DAM trunk.
It should work correctly with either TYPO3 4.2 or with SVN TYPO3core
trunk (revision 4480), but not TYPO3 4.3-alpha1.


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