[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #7342-2: dam_catedit doesn't work properly with 4.2-trunk (clickmenu javascript error), part 2

David Steeb david at b13.de
Tue May 20 10:09:55 CEST 2008

Hey boys,

this is a SVN patch request.

Type: cleanup / bugfix

Extension: DAM_catedit

Branches: trunk

The extension dam_catedit does not work with 4.2. Why? Because when it 
was created, the initial author copied the complete 
typo3/alt_clickmenu.php to dam_catedit/lib/class.tx_damcatedit_clickmenu.php
well, this was like the alt_clickmenu.php from TYPO3 3.7 or 3.8 and the 
clickmenu code developed further. The whole idea of the clickmenu is 
that you can use the native typo3/alt_clickmenu.php and 
template::wrapItemInClickMenu() and hook into the clickmenu rendering 

Apparantly a lot of other extensions (DAM itself, commerce and graytree 
lib) have now the same problem because the API changed and copying files 
from the core is just not the way to go.

Also the list-view of the dam_catedit-module was broken.

I stripped down the whole extension by removing unnecessary files, 
because I used the native clickmenu api. Also I fixed the list view, 
because the title-field of the category was fixed_lgd'd twice after 
<span>-tags and title-attribute were added which led to invalid 
HTML-code and messed up list-view.
The attached patch fixes all of these issues and now the extension works 
again. Please note that you also have to apply Benni's patch.


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