[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #7762: Failed query during install

Peter Kuehn [wmdb] peter.kuehn at wmdb.de
Fri May 9 10:49:03 CEST 2008

Hi yall,

this is a SVN patch request.

Branches: DAM_1.0 and Trunk (1.1)

BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=7762

Type: Bugfix / Cleanup

Descripton from Mantis:
When installing the DAM on a 4.2 TYPO3 install, the script 
dam/class.ext_update.php is called many times, each time the 
CMD[showExt]=dam query parameter is set. This calls ext_update::access() 
which itself calls ext_update::perform_update().

This last method tries to perform some changes on table tx_dam_mm_ref 
without first checking whether it exists or not. This of course 
generates a SQL error. It should be just necessary to add a test before 

$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_get_fields('tx_dam_mm_ref');

line 121

This happened on a TYPO3 4.2-beta3 install, with DAM not yet installed. 
Looking at the code it should happen on a 4.1 install too.

Steps to reproduce:
install dam on a newborn typo3-db with no dam tables and php set to 

check if tx_dam_mm_ref exists before trying to modify it ;)

i added a relation to http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6843 to the 
ticket. as discussed on the list earlier, the whole class.ext_update.php 
should be reworked asap in coop with the core team.

pls ack
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