[TYPO3-dam-devel] #0008369: PNG-Support

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Sat Jun 7 10:19:47 CEST 2008

Hey Andreas,

sorry, I just don't get you. No wonder nobody is reviewing the patch. 
Now I had to dive in the code to understand what you actually ment. "PNG 
support" could have meant that  but now i know that it's about media 
types, how the heck should we know that?

Problem: Right now, when the DAM has a media type (like media type 
"application"), then the DAM currently checks for the existence of files 
like "mtype_application.gif", but it is not possible to allow .png files 
as mime_type icons here as well. This has to be fixed.

Solution: The attached patch first checks if there is a PNG available 
and then if there is a .GIF mime type file. It also does some cleanup.

and now: +1 after reading and cleaning.

Wasn't too hard, was it?

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