[TYPO3-dam-devel] The way to the bugfix release

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Tue Apr 29 13:22:14 CEST 2008

Hey guys,

with some pushing of DAM from the netcreators (thanks, guys) I will work 
on the DAM bugs this week "until it's done". Basically this means that I 
will fix all open bugs and test all created patches that are in the BT 
and that are targeted for a 1.1 or a 1.0 release.

After talking to Ben and Michiel (who did an awesome job in the BT for 
categorizing the bugs), this seems the right way to go.
Peter Kühn will work on the integration in 4.2 on friday.

We then would need to update the documentation and, if no one objects, I 
would like to set the release even before the T3DD08, so next tuesday. 
On the T3DD08 we could then concentrate on what needs to be done for 1.1 
(new fixes) and 1.2. Sounds like a plan?


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