[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC: Bugfix: 5703: after creating a file dam jumps to list of subfolder if success, or back to the folder if it doesn't success

georg kuehnberger gk at plan2.net
Mon Oct 29 03:42:53 CET 2007

regards georg

( PS: I, however, don't regard this being a major issue on the way to 
DAM 1.1 final ;-)

Michiel Roos wrote:
> This is a svn patch request.
> Type: bugfix
> Steps to reproduce:
> - Media -> File
> - List
> - Choose folder
> - Click the new file button (next to the new folder button)
> - Create a text file without an extension
> - Get the error message
> - Click the back button
> Expected behaviour:
> - Back button takes you to javascript:history.back() where the form
> still has all the data filled in.
> Observed behaviour:
> - We're dumped back into the folder we started in
> This behavior is unacceptable because a user might have just spent some
> hours tediously entering an ASCII art image of the mona lisa into the
> text field and just have forgotten to add .txt to the filename . . . now
> all his hard work is lost.
> Doh!
> The fix:
> Change mod_cmd/class.tx_dam_cmd_filenew.php (line 129)
> add line $this->pObj->returnUrl = 'javascript:history.back()';
> Before the call to $GLOBALS['SOBE']->getMessageBox
> Branches:
> Head
> Bugtracker reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5703
> Kind regards,
> Michiel Roos
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