************************************************************************ CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS between TYPO3 4.4 and 4.5 (for technical details see ChangeLog) ************************************************************************ General ======= * 4.5 will be the first official TYPO3 release with LTS (long term support) * A Sprite Generator was added. This allows you to create your own sprite files, also core can generate the files if some new icons were added (#15079). Backend ======= * The user can decide the type of each page created in the "Create multiple pages" Wizard. And the wizard can create more than 9 pages at once. * All system extensions from typo3/mod were moved to real system extensions. These modules are: - Extension Manager - List module - Filelist module - Info module - Access module - Workspace module List module and Extension Manager are set to required extensions, but it is possible to overwrite this setting in localconf.php eg if you want to deinstall the Extension Manger. Make sure you visit the Update Wizard!!! * The recycler was refactored and has now the same skin as the rest of the BE. * DB check -> page tree submodule was removed (module lowlevel). * RSA Auth now works also with special chars. * Clearing cache now is logged (#15305). * A hook now allows postprocessing of filelist and TCEforms files operations (#15192 and #15221). Typical use-case: - Allow editors to upload any picture (e.g., 10 Mpixels) as they don't know how to resize the pictures or do not have the software - Prevent fileadmin to be overflooded with huge pictures which will never be used in their original size - Automatically resize "huge" pictures after the upload Extension using it already: http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/extension-image_autoresize * New TS config option to disable the "Show secondary options" checkbox (#13797). In User-TS, you can set: options.enableShowPalettes=0 to see this feature in action. Default is still "1" like it used to be. Frontend ======== * FE login now allows to show the logout form direct after login. Extbase / Fluid =============== * All methods trying to find an object by uid now ignore the storagePid. This changes the behavior of argument mapping and the way extbase fetches 1:1 relations. Resolves #5631. You should not experience any negative side-effects of this change, i.e. if your extension worked before, it will definitely after this change. However, it makes the record handling more robust. * Performance improvements in TypoScript::convertTypoScriptArrayToPlainArray. * Numerous other bugfixes, see extbase/ChangeLog.txt * Fluid contains many new features you might want to start using. There are some changes that require special attention in case you created custom condition ViewHelpers or if you call renderSection() and renderWithLayout() from Tx_Fluid_View_TemplateView. * Check out typo3/sysext/fluid/ChangeLog.txt for more details! Compatibility ============= * See typo3/sysext/fluid/ChangeLog.txt for some breaking changes in Fluid. Development =========== * There is a new setting that shows all SQL queries in debug (#15425): $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['sqlDebug'] = 2; * Contrib libraries can be replaced now via hook (#15218). This allows to test with updates of these libraries. Demo extensions can be found here: http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v45-projects/files * Catch all ExtDirect Exceptions and show them in the DebugConsole. It now also allows you to call debug() (#15513). TypoScript ========== * stdWrap now has a new feature: .numberFormat (#13815) lib.myPrice = TEXT lib.myPrice { value = 0.8 numberFormat { decimals = 2 dec_point = , } noTrimWrap = || €| } # Will result in "0,80 €" * GIFBUILDER has a new feature: ELLIPSE (#2049). Example: file = GIFBUILDER file { XY = 200,200 format = jpg quality = 100 10 = ELLIPSE 10.dimensions = 100,100,50,50 10.color = red } Database API / DBAL =================== * Prepared queries are now part of the TYPO3 database API (#15457). The API is mostly based on PDO's method naming and currently supports SELECT queries. TYPO3 will progressively use this new database API which is cleaner and quicker when using DBAL. Extension authors are encouraged to use it in their own extensions. * DBAL now supports "FIND_IN_SET()" (#14818) function and maps it correct functions in case usage under AdoDB. Using FIND_IN_SET in listQuery() will provide performance improvements in all areas, as this is used in several places (backend and frontend, for example for checking the group list permissions). Workspaces ========== * There is a new Scheduler task for the automatic publication of workspaces (#14994). If a publication date has been set for a given workspace, it will be published the next time the Scheduler task runs. Note that automatic "un-publication" still does not work. Replaces non-working CLI script "typo3/mod/user/ws/cli/ws_cli.phpsh". Backend skin ============ * sprites.css now contains the autogenerated sprites. Speed improvements ================== * Added "compress data" options to DbBackend of the Caching framework (#15141). Enable it like this: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['cache_pages'] = array( 'frontend' => 't3lib_cache_frontend_StringFrontend', 'backend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_DbBackend', 'options' => array( 'cacheTable' => 'cachingframework_cache_pages', 'tagsTable' => 'cachingframework_cache_pages_tags', 'compression' => TRUE, ), ); * Some often used functions of t3lib_div were speed improved.