This is an SVN patch request.<br><br>Type: Bugfix<br><br>Bugtracker references:<br><a href=""></a><br><br>Branches:<br>TYPO3_4-2 & trunk<br>
<br>Problem:<br>When i show sys_log with backend module and "action: error" is selected,
there is shown no output or an error message (ORA00920). <br>
I use TYPO3 with Oracle11g (with DBAL).        <br><br>Solution:<br>Missing comperator in where clause of sql-statement which generated the list causes the error. <br>Add comperator and comperating value to the part of the where clause. DBAL himself couldn't know what value may be the right, so this can't be generated automatically.<br>
<br>Notes:<br>Such issues are very seldom in TYPO3 core - thanks for the very good work. <br>