[TYPO3-core] [Wrap-up] Workflow for changing documentation

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Tue May 20 10:25:06 CEST 2014

Hi Xavier,

> As discussed yesterday during our doc-team meeting [1], Francois asked
> me to prepare this wrap-up.

Indeed, thanks for summarizing this discussion.

I think that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that we 
should proceed. If that does not help with contributions, we can always 
move back to git.typo3.org.

One "con" is worth addressing though.

> - Jigal van Hemert: "We already see it with code that forks are spread
> all over the web and people hardly know which version is "real". [...]
> Even if we remove it from our github account there will still be many
> copies floating around. These are all indexed and will show up in search
> results. [...] extensions and other code teams such as the security team
> cannot remove unsafe versions, especially because so many copies would
> be readily available."

This is an issue, but according to [1] Google indexes only the master 
branch. If we call our master differently (say "latest" for example), it 
will not be indexed.

Anyway no solution is perfect. The current one may be optimal from a 
theoretical point of view (total control over the tools, SSO with 
typo3.org), but reduces the number of contributions to near absolute 
zero. Obviously the answer to documentation contribution is not a purely 
technical one or somebody would already have found the perfect tool, but 
the technical barrier is currently too high IMO and is probably 
discouraging those few people who would make the effort to submit 
corrections to the manuals.



Francois Suter

Work: Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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