[TYPO3-core] After the LTS is before the LTS

Michael Stucki michael.stucki at typo3.org
Thu Jun 26 15:23:24 CEST 2014

Hi Ernesto, hi all!

thanks for the proposal and for opening the discussion. Good to have
this possibility.

I understand the effort for trying to gain more feedback, but I am not
sure if it will work. Why should it? With new LTS releases every 18
months, I would rather say that even more people will only use the LTS.

More use of LTS means fewer feedback from non-LTS releases. Unlike
before, we won't get feedback about a 6 month old release, instead it
will be up to 18 months old. Prove me wrong...

If we want to increase adoption, then I think the naming and the
versioning must be clear for everyone. Right now I think it is too

- The name "EAR" needs explanation. Why is it needed at all? There is
the LTS and non-LTS - so why is it needed to add a tag which nobody

- The version numbering is too complicated. It needs too much
explanation for my taste. Just have a look at the news article in the
German PHP Magazin [1] which first needed a correction by Ernesto...

Unfortunately I could not attend at T3DD14 so I don't know how much
feedback from agencies has been brought back so far. In my opinion, we
should not only discuss this from a programmers point of view but also
ask the agencies about their expectations. As a suggestion, you might
talk to the marketing team about it. I think they know best how well
this will be received by the public...

Greetings, Michael

[1] http://phpmagazin.de/news/typo3-lts-releasezyklus-174393

Am 23.06.2014 23:09, schrieb Ernesto Baschny:
> Hi dear TYPO3 community,
> the TYPO3 CMS team is discussing about the release cycles of this
> product after the 6.2 LTS release. We learned from the past and wanted
> to improve the release process for everybody involved: developers,
> active contributors, agencies, customers. To allow everbody to
> participate actively in shaping the future of the CMS releases, we want
> to give the opportunity for everyone to join the discussion around the
> future of the TYPO3 CMS releases.
> Shortly after the 6.2 LTS Release the Active Contributors meeting in
> Nürnberg gave the team the opportunity to do a retrospective not only on
> the 6.2 release process, but also analyse the transition from 4.5 LTS to
> 6.2 LTS in general, and what happened in between. The reflection
> culiminated in the first ideas on how to proceed from now on. From the
> initial brainstorming we decided to sketch the new ideas in a conceptual
> study - in a blueprint. Since then the team has been improving and
> communicating about it.
> We are now eager to hear everybodys opinion on the new plan, as it might
> rise some questions. If you are actively interested in working with
> TYPO3 CMS in the next couple of years, have commercial or private
> interest in help improving the product, please consider take some time
> to think and tell us what you expect.
> During the TYPO3 Developer Days 2014 in Eindhoven it became clear that
> the TYPO3 CMS contributors are still alive and kicking and new ideas
> spreading. An active and vivid exchange with the TYPO3 Flow and Neos
> teams is happening. The motto "one family, two products" is the current
> tenor. We expect that TYPO3 CMS will continue getting improvements in
> the next few years, as long as there is still interest by the public and
> contributors working on it.
> Please read the Blueprint [1], form your opinion or question and post
> your opinion here on this thread. Your positive or negative feedback, or
> question or doubt is very welcome.
> Let's work on that together!
> Kind regards,
> Ernesto
> [1] http://wiki.typo3.org/Blueprints/Release

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