[TYPO3-core] Migration to GIT *today*, closing SVN for TYPO3v4

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Mar 3 13:51:13 CET 2011

Karsten Dambekalns schrieb am 02.03.2011 20:53:
> Hi.
> On 01.03.2011, at 15:16, Steffen Gebert wrote:
>> That's a mistake, indeed. Currently it's not possible to clone it over http. Please use git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Core.git
>> Maybe it gets fixed the next days, but currently nobody of the audience made a final decision.
> The point is, the git protocol is really efficient.
> Are there any pressing arguments that would make us want to support it over HTTP?

Maybe if it were available over http, it would work together with http
proxies (e.g. Squid) for companies to be able to cache the objects in

So if a company has several clones behind a proxy (or a hosting company
working with git clones for their customers), and all try to fetch
through the same proxy, only one would need to fetch from "remote" all
others fetch from the local proxy.

It could even be used to alleviate stress to the main git repository by
having reverse proxies before the real git server.

This assumes that all fetches go through "GET" requests and that it
provides cacheable data.



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