[TYPO3-core] Work for the Skin Team

Steffen Gebert steffen.gebert at typo3.org
Mon Jun 20 19:59:59 CEST 2011


most of you might know that a Skin Team has been formed some months ago 
(and I'm the lazy leader of them).

There's unfortunately not that much outcome from that team, in my 
opinion because of there aren't that many open things to solve (which 
the team members can pick).

So I want to ask you, if you have some ideas, what these people (willing 
to contribute!) could do. Feel free to open issues here:


But, please keep in mind, that most of them are not PHP programmers, but 
mostly frontend engineers! (aka HTML/CSS/JS).

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member

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