[TYPO3-core] RFC #15721: Bug: Memcache::delete() without timeout param causes loss of memcache server in pool

Michiel Roos [netcreators] michiel at netcreators.com
Sat Feb 5 21:57:41 CET 2011

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

- trunk
- 4.5
- 4.4
- 4.3
(all that have memcached capability)

	bool Memcache::delete ( string $key [, int $timeout = 0 ] )

Different versions of memcache handle the missing time differently.
Prior to 1.4.3 a time wasn't required but 1.4.4+ requires a 0 for a timeout.

Explicitly state a timeout of 0 in code.

The PHP manual states: It's not recommended to use the timeout
parameter. The behavior differs between memcached versions, but setting
to 0 is safe. Other values for this deprecated feature may cause the
memcache delete to fail.

Met vriendelijke groet / Warm regards,

Michiel Roos
Chief Technical Officer
Netcreators: Open Source, Open Minds, Open People
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