[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15711: Render ModuleMenu with ExtJs, remove the frameset

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Sep 21 21:51:47 CEST 2010

Steffen Kamper schrieb am 21.09.2010 12:09:
> Hi,
> here is the last version of the patch. Latest changes:
> * specific css styling of splitbar/collapsed bar for navigation panel.
> Makes override superfluous
> * mask in navigation panel centered
> * mask also with loading indicator

Same as Jeff from my side. I've been testing v13 for a while, and the
minor issues already discussed with Steffen:

To this issue pointed out by Jeff: "Steffen and I noticed that navframe
content is actually being reloaded when the frame is collapsed or
expanded." > I discovered that this comes from the collapse "animation".
Setting "animCollapse: false" (in the typo3-navigationContainer in
viewportConfiguration.js) this doesn't happen anymore. Steffen and me
agreed to have it that way in the patch to be commited.

I am currently testing on IE6, and it looks fine so far. Just a
cosmetical stuff in the collapse-bar.


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