[TYPO3-core] RFC: #12376: typo3temp got filled with thousands of javascript_* files

Lars Houmark lars at houmark.com
Mon Oct 4 10:06:39 CEST 2010

Hey Steffen,

> what about setting them to deprecated? I think we don't need these for
> modern websites as there are enough "clean" solutions out using jquery
> or other js plugins.

I agree on other possible solutions, but setting a menu that has been 
used on thousands of sites deprecated, will make the deprecation log 
flood for no special reason, since the menus can work fine on most sites 
- and the problem with this is not really related to the output of the 
menu but the underlying engine and caching methods.

And it doesn't change the fact that there is a bug, but we should maybe 
not spend insane time on finding the 100% perfect solution, but rather 
use one that seems to work fine for those that has tested it on live 
sites using the provided patches in the BT.

Attached is a v5 which is my best shot on fixing this one - please 
consider testing it and committing it.

- Lars
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